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Moved and transplanted!

Apr 11, 2023

Since my last post I moved from Paris to Rome! Needless to say, the fig tree is happy about the new environment. It started going to sleep for the winter around the time of the move, and about a month ago began to wake up. I promptly gave it a new, larger pot, which is pictured below.

Doriano lounging in the new pot.

It’s been growing quickly on our sunny balcony, and already put out two early figs! Here’s a picture from a couple days ago.

Doriano upright in the new pot.

And here’s a picture where you can see the whole tree.

The tree in early spring.

In our apartment in Paris the tree wanted to grow horizontally to reach its meager light from the window. Here, it is going more directly up. I think it’ll be taller than me soon!

Our first homegrown fig

Sep 15, 2022

We have big fig news today on the blog: our potted tree just produced its first ripe fig! Here it is, freshly fallen from the tree:

My hand holding a ripe fig.

And here it is, cut in half before consumption:

The same fig, cut in half.

Late this spring, after making a lot of branch growth, our tree put out three little green flowers. For a few months these made no progress, until a couple weeks ago, when one of the proto-figs begin to grow and soften. Finally, last week it fell off! It hadn’t grown fully purple yet, but it was very soft, and it was also very tasty. Perhaps two more are on the way! Stay tuned…

Figs that won't die in Perpignan

Sep 14, 2022

A stubborn fig on the walls of the palace of the kings of Majorca.

It’s been a while since we posted, but this adorable fig tree was too nice not to share. This stubborn tree is growing out of the wall of the Palace of the Kings of Majorca in Perpignan, where we took our summer vacation this year. Of course that part of southern France was full of figs, but none so unexpected as him. One day, he and his comrades will tear down this wall.

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