
Figs we dig: Côteaux Nantais confiture figues extra

Apr 10, 2021

Despite a tree-laden series of posts, we also like to eat figs here at FanFigtion. Today I’m going to highlight a fig jam that I like a lot.

Meet the Côteaux Nantais confiture figues extra. I bought a jar for my wife’s Christmas stocking, but I must admit to having eaten most of it myself.

A jar of fig confiture

This jam is superb. It’s super figgy and not too sweet, with big chunks of fig spread throughout. It’s like someone took a potato masher to a bunch of very ripe figs.

The jar says that it is 65% fig by weight, and that the only other ingredients are “red sugar” and citrus juice. The simple composition really lets the fig flavor shine through.

Today we enjoyed some with a mild brie on pieces of brioche Nanterre, which is a great combination. I’ve also enjoyed it on hamburgers.

Jam with brioche and brie

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