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The gutter tree of our Tours AirBnB

May 28, 2021

Last weekend my wife and I visited Tours and had a lovely time there. One of the perks of the place we stayed was that it had a small interior courtyard with a bike rack, where we could safely stow our bikes.

In that courtyard was also a handsome fig tree! See it pictured below.

A courtyard fig.

This tree was growing out of a gutter in the courtyard, right through a bench. Here is a detail of its base, in the gutter.

The base of the fig.

A friend of mine said that figs will grow anywhere that their roots are strong. Here is some evidence!

On the trip, we also saw a big beautiful tree on a south-facing hillside along the Loire basin, already heavy with figs. I didn’t snap a picture of it though.

Tree diaries

Apr 12, 2021

It’s been a week since our last tree diary, and our tree’s growth has continued to accelerate. Here’s a picture of the whole tree:

My fig tree today.

The first branch has grown quickly and now has a big collection of leaves, and is even growing a second branch from the same branching point on the original trunk.

A few more points on the trunk have started forming new branches, with a couple at the top already unfolding tiny leaves. These are pictured below.

A very tiny bud.

Some nearly imperceptible green bits have also been forming on the trunk below the first branch. I’m not yet sure whether these will be new branches or just single leaves.

Budding branches!

Figs we dig: Côteaux Nantais confiture figues extra

Apr 10, 2021

Despite a tree-laden series of posts, we also like to eat figs here at FanFigtion. Today I’m going to highlight a fig jam that I like a lot.

Meet the Côteaux Nantais confiture figues extra. I bought a jar for my wife’s Christmas stocking, but I must admit to having eaten most of it myself.

A jar of fig confiture

This jam is superb. It’s super figgy and not too sweet, with big chunks of fig spread throughout. It’s like someone took a potato masher to a bunch of very ripe figs.

The jar says that it is 65% fig by weight, and that the only other ingredients are “red sugar” and citrus juice. The simple composition really lets the fig flavor shine through.

Today we enjoyed some with a mild brie on pieces of brioche Nanterre, which is a great combination. I’ve also enjoyed it on hamburgers.

Jam with brioche and brie

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